Monday, 1 April 2019


How to Spot a Bully

1. Watch out for students that seem to have a problem with authority (police, teachers, principal etc.) and seem to do their assignments poorly.
2. - Male bullies are often aggressive and assertive, and they do not attempt to hide their aggression. They are typically of an athletic build
  - Female bullies are still overly aggressive and assertive, but they are often more focused on isolating other girls from their cliques 

3. If one of your friends starts to bully you, however tough it may be, do not stay friends with them.
4. Understand that many school social environments do not condemn bullying. 
5. As a final note on this topic, male bullies will make use of "gay" slurs and crude female scatological references in their verbal bullying, while girl bullies will generally attempt to make their victim think that they are not popular

source: wikihow

Do you have students with these characteristics and behaviours? How do you deal with that?

I have met with many cases of bullies in my classes. The insidents weren't too much intense, but they existed. I had a male student in the age of 11 who was a very good student, but he made three of my other students , boys as well, feel intimidated. I tried to solve this problem by talking to all 4 of my students, separately and as a team. We had meetings with the parents as well. The problem was vanished, but we sorted things down a little bit.

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