Tuesday, 9 April 2019

1.5 Impact of bullying


Conflict vs. Bullying

Sometimes people think that bullying and conflict are the same thing, but they are not. What is the difference between conflict and bullying? What are the characteristics of peer conflict and how do they differ from those of bullying? How does the impact of a conflict differ from the impact of bullying?

The conflict is between equals because there are differences between them and it creates a contrast, they argue, it comes to hands, but then it all ends at some point. The conflict may remain unsolved because none of the parties changes their mind or perhaps it happens that one of the two parties realizes they are wrong. the conflict could also be something positive, from which a friendship is born.

Bullying, on the other hand, is completely negative, since the bully is targeting a person with the purpose of verbally hurting him, sometimes even physically; the bully feels pleasure inflicting suffering on another person, enjoying isolating him, putting him in the corner and often the consequences can be extreme.

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